Nick Fancher

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Knocked Loose X Revolver Magazine

Back in April I hit the road to Pittsburgh, on assignment for Revolver to photograph Knocked Loose. The Kentucky hardcore band was on tour promoting their upcoming album, A Different Shade of Blue. I had one hour to set up and shoot five scenarios for a cover feature, all in the venue’s *ahem* modest green room. As you can see above, I had to pull two couches out of the room and into the back hallway in order to create an 8x10’ space.

Given the new album title, we couldn’t not implement blue into the shots. For the individual shots I decided to use a blue-gelled LED in combination with a strobe and slow shutter speed to get blue streaks in my images (this technique is detailed in Chroma). Due to space constraints I opted to shoot individual portraits (which could be composited into a group shot if needed) in addition to a range of group shots.

Creative Direction: Jimmy Hubbard ; Assistant: Seth Moses Miller