Nick Fancher

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Cyberpunk Photo Shoot for Unsplash+

I was recently commissioned by Unsplash to create a series of cyberpunk-inspired images. Though the cyberpunk aesthetic is especially trendy as of late, it has held a spot near to my heart ever since I was a teen in the nineties playing the RPG, reading the books of William Gibson, and obsessively watching films like Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, and Tetsuo. 

Because of this, I gave this project everything I could, exploring a range of in-camera and lighting techniques. I used fiber optic brushes to paint with light; swirled strands of LED lights around Brielle to encircle her with light; and I shot through a panel of reeded plastic, just to name a few. I even styled most of the shoot myself, selecting a mix of tech and punk-inspired accessories. Big shout out to my models, Brielle and Dustin for making my job easy.